Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Your Drain Cleaning Company in San Antonio
My water bill is high, but no water is running inside. What is going on?
The first thing to do is to check to see if any of your toilets are leaking. It’s easy to do. First, note the reading on your water meter. Turn off all the fixtures and put a few drops of red food coloring in each of the toilet tanks. Wait about an hour then look to see if the water in any of the toilet bowls is red. If it is, you have a leaking toilet. If none of the toilets are leaking but the water reading on the meter has moved, it is likely that you have an underground leak. Call us so we can do a complete diagnosis to locate the leak and repair it right away.
My water pressure has been very low lately. What could be causing this?
A number of things can cause low water pressure. Start by asking your neighbors if they are having problems as well, to determine if the problem is localized to your system. If it is, check the main valve coming into your home to make sure it isn’t stuck or malfunctioning. If it is fully open and working, you could have a crimped water line or deposits in the pipes that are slowing the water flow.
I’m having repeated problems with my kitchen sink clogging. What am I doing wrong?
You may have a clogged trap that is typically caused by congealed fats and grease that catch other solid material that passes through the disposal. It can be cleared out pretty easily by unscrewing the bottom part of the trap. Be sure to place a large bucket underneath the trap before you remove it, since water and gunk will be released. Flush the pipe well and replace it. That should solve your problem. To help avoid clogs in the future, be sure to run cold water when disposing of grease and fats so they will be congealed to flush all the way through the drain lines. Also, avoid putting any fibrous waste through the disposal, such as corn husks.
We sometimes get a horrible smell in our retail business bathroom that seems to be coming from the floor drain. Is there anything we can do to fix this?
There sure is and it’s easy. The most probable cause of the smell is sewer gases entering through the drain trap. This happens when the water evaporates from the trap. Simply pour a bucket of water into the drain to refill the trap periodically and your odor problem should be solved.